Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Mrs. Valentine

The next day when I returned to the center we spoke with Mrs. Valetine for about a good hour. Talking to Mrs. Valentine is like starting a forest fire, once you get her started you cannot put her out! We tackled the subject on why homeless and poor people struggle so much in today’s world. Mrs. Valentine is afraid that the guest who come into Cosgrove are starting to become a little too comfortable with their situation and that Cosgrove is losing its effect. Being the creative person that she is, with her stylish clothing and eccentric Afro she thinks,“ we can’t force people to engage, you have to creatively engage the people”. Whether that’s participating in the Cosgrove’s Transformational Art Center. This program provides a safe area and can use different forms of art media to experience self-healing and the presence of God or just simply watching a movie or having some quiet time to reflect. “You have to stand on your own two feet like a table standing on it’s own four legs”, said Mrs. Valentine.  To make any situation better a person has to want to change and must be willing to work for that change.

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