Friday, June 6, 2014

Update 7: Adding the tech. -- Most of it

Last Friday, we had rehearsal with all four cast members in the auditorium at the upper school. In addition to the cast, we also had our whole band for the first time which included Gary on piano, Henry Cooley on bass, and another person we found through Mercury, Dylan A. Brown on drums. This was the day that we also had all of the lights queued up and ready to go, so we were able to get a better idea of what the show might look like. With all the good aspects, however, something bad was bound to happen -- and, boy, did it. I guess it wasn't a "something' per se, but it was sort of a combination of bunch of little things that led to a less-than-pleasing rehearsal. For one thing, there was supposed to be a memorial service in the auditorium the next day, which nobody told us when we reserved the space. As a result, we had to deal with a bunch of stuff that wasn't ours in the space and had to do a few things for them to make sure the memorial service would run smoothly. Secondly, the whole cast was late. Life happens, traffic happens, but it was just frustrating that the whole band was early and they had to wait for our actors. Lastly, the cast were not as familiar with their material as we might have hoped, so that hindered our run through a little bit and this brought back something that we've been struggling with since the first rehearsal -- how to diplomatically direct adults and tell them what to do without being rude. It's a fine line.

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